BK: bans and kicks someone. The ban is removed after the default unban period.
KB: same as BK, except that it kicks before the ban.
LBK: The BK included with versions prior to 1.1f4. Shitlists the person for 30 days.
PBK: Previously in a seperate script. Shitlists the person for ten years (!).
error : ERROR <error number>
A list plugin with some of the more common MacOS errors.
keester : KEESTER <nick>
Another splatterkick.
An ONTEXT script. If someone says "op me please", ShadowBot checks to see whether or not they have the autoop flag turned on. If it is, it ops them and makes a note in the console. If they aren't, it makes a note in the console and kicks them for ops begging.
poll : see VOTE HELP
A script to facilitate a limited form of votecounting.
rand : RAND
Demonstration of use of variables and random commands.
spin : SPIN
"Spins" a wheel and then points at the person who was chosen.
url : URL <topic>
URL list.
An ONTEXT script that says something if you say "zzz".